New Meters Coming to Homes!

In the next few months, we will be installing a new advanced metering system throughout the Black River Electric Cooperative service area. In most cases, you don’t need to be present or make an appointment for us to do our work. We can get in and out of your area quickly, with minor interruptions!

These new meters will offer many advantages, including a stronger network and more reliability, more precise monitoring of outage data and improved response times.  The Improved Response Time is a huge step for us, because in a lot of cases, we will know your power is out before you can even tell us.  This means our crews can resolve the issues much more quickly!

We can also receive alerts for possible high usage concerns and get with you about any suspicious high bills – before it becomes an issue. Stop/Start service will be available remotely in many cases, and the ability to see your usage data daily will make it easier to manage your energy.

The installation process may cause a brief interruption in service, so we thank you for your patience as we better serve you!

And while we have your attention, download our App today.  You can do great things when you have more information, and that can be found in your app store by searching for BREC Connect.  Do it today!

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